Page 2 - Caravan Etiquette
P. 2

This document is aimed at improving  your  safety
           and enjoyment  while  travelling on the road. We
           welcome  your comments  and wish you many  safe
           and pleasurable  trips.

            .  Respect, assist and treat other road users
             including  truckies, as you would Iike to be treated.
             Remember  the truckies are at work and often on a
             time limit whereas  you are more likely enjoying  the
            .  Behaviour towards other road users  determines
             how we caravanners  are categorised, as one bad
             example is enough to put all of us in that same
            r  We recommend towing vehicles should be fitted
             with a UHF Radio for contact  with trucks and
             other road users. Communication  is vital for safe
             overlaking in any conditions  on any road.
            o  Channel 18 is widely recognised as the Caravan
             or Travellers  Channel, though unofficial  (within
             Australian  Communication  Guidelines) and
             with your caravan  signed both  Front and  Back,
             provides  an on road communication  between you
             and other road users.  These  signs should include
             Channel  18, be at least 200mm in height and
             can include your  names  or a nickname to ensure

            oWe  recommend  you consider  a friendly  wave  ol
                thanks if assisted by other motorists, or an
                   apology  if some  conflict occurs,  this can
                       only  lessen  the chance of road rage.
                          lf everyone did this, the road
                             would be a safer  place.
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