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            laughs  and  fun  as  a  result  of  the  entertainment  organised  by  our  Entertainment
            Committee.  Many and varied fancy dress themes are enjoyed by members.  The regattas
            at Rocky Creek - the car races at Hillview - the air show at Mudgeeraba, all created lots
            of interest and members enjoyed the preparation of entries and the running of the races.

            Our hot-pot dinners at Hillview - Our Webber meals at Kalbar are always popular - not
            forgetting the damper competitions at Lake MacDonald and the bake-off competitions.

            State Rallies are held every year with each club taking a turn to organize and host the
            rally.  National Rallies are held every three years with each state taking a turn to host the
            rally.    Many  of  our  members  have  attended  both  State  and  National  Rallies  with  one
            member attending all ten (10) National Rallies and another member attending nine (9)
            National  Rallies.    Queensland  was  the  host  state  for  the  1998/99  National  Rally  at
            Cleveland/Redlands Shire and many of our members worked hard to make the rally a great

            Over the years members have been involved in many types of craft from knitted rugs,
            knitted socks and berets and toys for presentation to the National Rally Committee.  These
            items were known as  ‘Friendship Gifts’ and presented to local  community leaders for
            distribution to nursing homes, children’s homes or where needed.

            Instruction in fabric painting on t-shirts and making of Christmas decorations for sale on
            craft stalls were a few of the many crafts enjoyed by our ladies.

            Safaris were organised and run by Ron Schafer (Sunshine Club) and Mal Dale (Q.C.C.) to
            help bring members from all clubs together and also as a fund-raiser for the 10  National
            Rally.  These trips were very popular and enjoyed by all who participated.  Four groups of
            six caravans – a total of 24 caravans travelled on these safaris - each group 10 to 15 minutes
            apart to avoid causing any traffic problem.

            During recent years, our club membership has grown, and at the end of 1998 our 100
            member was introduced into the club.  This year also saw the presentation of 50 rally
            badges to several members.

            Ladies Day out has been a popular get together for the ladies during the past few years
            and enables the widows of past members to keep in touch with friends in the club.

            1999 is the 50  Anniversary of the Queensland Caravan Club and many activities have been
            arranged to take place during the year.

            As I complete my section of the History of the Queensland Caravan Club, I hope I have
            been able to cover events over the past eleven years.  Our entertainment has been varied
            and always lots of fun and relaxation.  Our venues range from beach - country but always
            enjoyed because of the company of friends.

            As life moves-on, we have been saddened by the loss of several of our members, but these
            memories live on.

            Our motto of “Fellowship on Wheels” has always been there and must always continue
            with the members of the club to have a happy and contented membership.
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