Page 22 - history_booklet
P. 22


            In September 2015, the CCQ State Rally was at Stanthorpe, and the organising clubs were
            Queensland  Caravan  Club,  Jabiru  Caravan  &  RV  Club,  Bayside  Caravan  Club  and
            Toowoomba & Golden West Caravan Club.  Stanthorpe in September is very wintery and,
            although colds and flu were rife at the rally, the organizing clubs worked well together,
            and I believe that everyone still had a very good time.  The organising clubs should give
            themselves a pat on the back for a job well done.

            Caravan  Clubs  of  Queensland  organized  the  2017  State  Rally  themselves,  with  the
            assistance of the clubs.  QCC’s members provided a great deal of assistance throughout
            the rally, being heavily involved in the running of the office, disc bowls, tai chi, arts,
            games, the security gates, marshalling, and many other activities.  This rally was only
            small, but it was quite enjoyable - and busy.

            There was no CCQ State Rally held in Queensland in 2016, because the national body held
            their national rally in Canberra in September.  QCC had a total of 55 caravans attend this
            national rally, which is a huge turnout from one club.  We were one of all those caravans
            (from other clubs too), who wended their way to Canberra in drenching, flooding rains.
            Canberra itself is a very interesting place to visit with much to see, even though it was
            cold.  I believe that our members had a really great time there, with great entertainment
            and local touring.

                                               Canberra National Ralliers

            In 2009, following on many years of tradition, Des McLeod became our Chief Rally Marshal,
            and he, with the aid of Keith McCallum and other helpers, put us on our sites.  After six
            years, Des and Keith decided to retire, and Dennis Edney became the Chief Rally Marshal
            with his band of helpers.  I think those who assist as rally marshals deserve a vote of thanks
            from all of us, as there they are, whether there be hot sun, cold wind, or rain (no snow).
            So, we all thank you guys.

            During 2014 to 2018, we visited a few sites to which we had not been before.  For the first
            time we visited - in 2014 Kahlers Oasis Caravan Park and Caboolture Environmental Centre,
            in  2015  Millmerran  Caravan  Park,  in  2017  Standown  Caravan  Park  and  Goonbungee
            Showground.  Of these, two were really outstanding and we’ll definitely be returning to
            them again, and some of the others were quite good.

            Looking back, in 2014 to 2017 lots of interesting changes happened in QCC.  Yes, it was
            good to be a member of Queensland Caravan Club during this period.
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